A must read
The miracles of fasting
It is wel to know the process your body goes through in the course of a fast. The
first three days are usual y the most difficult in terms of hunger pains. By the fourth day the
hunger pains are beginning to subside, though you wil have feelings of weakness and
occasional dizziness. During a prolonged fast (after the first three days) your body wil live
on its own substance. When it is deprived of needed nutrition such as proteins and fats, it
wil burn and digest its own tissues. But your body wil not do it indiscriminately -and here
lies the secret of the effectiveness of fasting -your body wil first decompose and burn
those cel s and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged, or dead.
In fasting, your body feeds itself on the most impure and inferior materials such as
tumors, abscesses, fat deposits, etc. Dr. Otto Buchanan, M.D. (one of the greatest fasting
authorities in the world) cal s fasting -very pertinently - a "refuse disposal", a "burning of
rubbish". During fasting, while the old cel s and diseased tissues are decomposed and
burned, the building of new healthy cel s is speeded up. This eliminative process is
evidenced by some of the fol owing typical symptoms: offensive breath, dark urine, skin
eruptions, excessive perspiration, catarrhal eliminations of mucus, and headaches. Do not
be disturbed by those symptoms; rather, be grateful for the increased health and wel -
being that wil result.
By the ninth or tenth day of a longer fast, the body wil normal y have eliminated the
bulk of toxic poisons and you wil start feeling great. Your sense of concentration wil be
greater, and you wil feel as if you could continue fasting indefinitely as you are not
hungry. Your fast can last as long as you like (it could go on for weeks as it depends upon
how much fresh fruit and vegetables you are eating), but it must end when your hunger
pains return. This is the signal that the body has used up al its excess reserves. The fast
should be broken at this time.
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